

Greenery (Mixture)

(MICRO + SULPHUR) Mixture of Micro, Sulphur, Iron, Zinc, Manganese Copper, Boron etc. (FOR SOIL APPLICATION) greenery is a mixture of micro nutrients. It can be used in the following crops like wheat, paddy, sugarcane, mustard, cotton, tobacco, soybean, sunflower, cucumber, bottle gourd, banana, lady\'s finger, cowpea, parwal, potato, onion, tomato, chilli, apple, pea, garlic, cumin, tea leaves, peanut, yam, mango, guava, papaya, amla, spinach, mentha etc. greenery (Micro + Sulphur) Its use leads to more shoots in the crops and along with proper nutrition, it also protects the crops from diseases. The method of using greenery is as follows:- Cereals:- It can be used with 2-3 kg urea per acre in wheat, paddy, maize, sorghum, millet. Pulses: - It can be used in pigeon pea, gram, peas, lentils, black gram, green gram etc. at 2-3 kg per acre. Oilseeds: - It can be used in mustard, groundnut, sunflower, soybean etc. at 3-5 kg per acre. Tuber crops: - It can be used in potato, onion, garlic, arui, vanda, yam etc. at 3 kg to 5 kg per acre. Fruits: - It can be used in mango, guava, lemon, papaya, apple, orange, grapes, banana etc. at 5 kg per acre. Bogawan Plus is used in sugarcane crop at 7 to 10 kg per acre in the entire crop cycle.

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Coarse Grains (Soil Conditioner)

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Soil Application:

  • Apply 2-3 kg of Rashbhari per acre at the time of sowing or before irrigation.
  • Caution: Rashbhari is not harmful but should be kept away from children and food. Store away from direct sunlight.

Foliar Spray:

  • Mix 200 ml of Rashbhari in 200 liters of water.
  • Spray the solution on the crops in the morning or evening.
  • Caution: Shake the bottle well before mixing Rashbhari with water.